There are Portmeirion mugs in many shapes and sizes

Here are the breakfast mugs:

They are the Bearded Tit, the Redpoll, the Robin, the Sedge Warbler, the Goldfinch and the Blue Tit. On the backside of the mugs are the same unnamed birds as on the egg cups:

Besides the breakfast mugs there are the 4 inch straight sided mugs:

Here are the Goldfinch, the Redpoll, the Blue Tit, the Sedge Warbler, the Linnet and the Robin.

On the back either the unnamed birds or smaller sized pictures of the usual birds, such as the Marsh Tit.

These are the Birds of America, a set of four, also occurring on plates. This is the Bobwhite Quail:

the Ruffed Grouse

the Pintail

and the Mallard

The Birds of America mugs had a feather on the backside

Birds of Britain also had bell beakers:

Here are the Greenfinch, the Great Tit, the Blue Tit, the Redpoll and the Goldfinch. On the backside the unnamed birds:

This is the only Delft Mug in my collection, with the Goldfinch

The new Botanic Birds range also has large 4 inch mugs: The Scarlet Tanager, Lesser Goldfinch, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, Chickadee, Western Bluebird and Baltimore Oriole:

With their extra flower on the inside they really look great!